Nakhon Si Thammarat
Surat Thani

“Reduce greenhouse gas emissions while promoting biodiversity”
The risk of climate change more severe in all regions of the world. The average rainfall increases in the rainy season and decreases in the dry season. We Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts* Agriac Global has set out its commitments to guide its actions:
Control operations in accordance with standards that promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into the climate.
Educate and encourage farmers to implement various activities that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Promote biodiversity for member farmers.
Be an expert in the implementation of greenhouse gas and biodiversity management.
Collaborate with partners to promote the implementation of greenhouse gas and biodiversity management.
Promote mechanisms for empowering farmers to achieve planning and management of global climate change.

Sustainable Forest Management Policy
In order to comply with the sustainable forest plantation management guidelines, the company has set a policy for sustainable forest planting management. In order to manage forest, we do have sustainability in 3 areas, namely economic sustainability, social sustainability. and environmental. Comply with relevant laws along with the process of participation with the local community. To be accepted at the local, national and international level together with:

Sustainable Forest Management Certification
Support for sustainable forest plantation management according to the international standards
Environment and Biodiversity
Hunting and Trapping
Environmental impact studies
Cooperation with nearby local communities
Personnel, promoting gender equality and fair compensation
Safety in working in the plantation
Safety in Outsource Operations
Safety in the operation of chainsaw workers
Safety for moving wood and latex
Anti-corruption and corruption
Communication and Disclosure
Whistleblowing/Complaint Policy
Low Carbon Management Policy
Core Labour Policy
Core labor Policy
In the application of the FSC core labour requirements, AGRAIC considerated to the rights and obligations established by national law, while at the same time fulfilling the objectives of the requirements.
AGRAIC shall not use child labour.
AGRAIC shall not employ workers below the age of 15, or below the minimum age as stated under national, or local laws or regulations, whichever age is higher, except as specified in 7.2.2.
the employment of persons between the ages of 13 to 15 years in light work, such employment should not interfere with schooling nor, be harmful to their health or development. Notably, where children are subject to compulsory education laws, they shall work only outside of school hours during normal daytime working hours.
No person under the age of 18 is employed in hazardous or heavy work except for the purpose of training within approved national laws and regulations.
AGRAIC shall prohibit the worst forms of child labour.
AGRAIC shall eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labour.
Employment relationships are voluntary and based on mutual consent, without the threat of a penalty.
There is no evidence of any practices indicative of forced or compulsory labour, including, but not limited to, the following:
physical and sexual violence
bonded labour
withholding of wages /including payment of employment fees and or payment of deposit to commence employment
restriction of mobility/movement
retention of passport and identity documents
threats of denunciation to the authorities.
AGRAIC shall ensure that there is no discrimination in employment and occupation.
Employment and occupation practices are non-discriminatory.
AGRAIC shall respect freedom of association and the effective right to collective bargaining.
Workers are able to establish or join worker AGRAIC s of their own choosing.
AGRAIC respects the full freedom of workers’ AGRAIC s to draw up their constitutions and rules.
AGRAIC respects the rights of workers to engage in lawful activities related to forming, joining or assisting a workers’ AGRAIC , or to refrain from doing the same, and will not discriminate or punish workers for exercising these rights.
The AGRAIC negotiates with lawfully established workers’ AGRAIC s and/ or duly selected representatives in good faith and with the best efforts to reach a collective bargaining agreement.
Collective bargaining agreements are implemented where they exist.
We are please to share our managment plan .